In this revised edition of Children of Denial, Claudia Black in her warm and sensitive style continues to offer answers to children raised in addictive families. Maintaining the heart and soul of the original work, the purpose of this video is to impact the viewer on the three basic rules of a troubled family system - Don't Talk - Don't Trust - Don't Feel.
Using children's drawings and stories to explain how these rules act as defenses for the child, Claudia then explores how these rules become significant challenges for the child to speak honestly, develop a healthy, emotional intelligence and learn to trust themselves and others.
This presentation provides information and validation for children and adults who have been impacted by addiction in the family. Because of the emotional effects on the viewer, Children of Denial has proven to be immensely effective in breaking the denial of the addicted person.
This video is effectively utilized with individuals, families and groups. While it speaks to people impacted by any addictive substance or process, from alcohol and other drug addictions to gambling, food and sexual compulsions, the dysfunctional family rules can be generalized to include other troubled families as well.
30 minutes